Pero, cuando venga el Espíritu de la verdad, él los guiará a toda la verdad, porque no hablará por su propia cuenta, sino que dirá solo lo que oiga y les anunciará las cosas por venir. (Juan 16:13)
Tomar decisiones puede ser muy estresante si espera que tenga que tomarlas por su cuenta, pero afortunadamente no lo es. Es muy reconfortante saber que Dios nos ha dado su Espíritu Santo para guiarnos a través de la vida.
Puede estar tranquilo al tomar decisiones, sabiendo que no se espera que las tome por su cuenta. Dios no solo está con usted, sino que también le dará la guía que necesita para tomar una decisión acertada.
Juan 16:13 dice que el Espíritu Santo “le guiará a toda verdad”. El hecho de que el Espíritu Santo es su guía hace toda la diferencia. No se estrese por las elecciones que enfrenta hoy. Manténgase en paz y espere escuchar claramente de Dios.
Pensamiento del día
No está viajando solo por la vida. El Espíritu Santo es su guía y promete darle sabiduría y llevarlo a toda la verdad.
Profundice en la Palabra de Dios: Salmos 5:8; Romanos 8:14
You Have a Guide
But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]. (John 16:13)
Making decisions can be a very stressful thing if you are expected to make them on your own, but thankfully, you’re not. It is so comforting to know that God has given us His Holy Spirit to guide us through life.
You can be at peace about making decisions, knowing that you are not expected to make them on your own. Not only is God with you, but He is also going to give you the guidance you need to make a wise choice.
John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit “will guide you into all the truth.” The fact that the Holy Spirit is your guide makes all the difference. Don’t be stressed out by the choices you face today. Stay in peace, and expect to hear clearly from God.
Today’s Thought
You are not traveling through life alone. The Holy Spirit is your guide, and He promises to give you wisdom and lead you into all truth.
Dig Deeper into God’s Word: Study Psalm 5:8; Romans 8:14