Sus riquezas

Y este mismo Dios quien me cuida suplirá todo lo que necesiten, de las gloriosas riquezas que nos ha dado por medio de Cristo Jesús. FILIPENSES 4:19 (NTV) 

Las riquezas del Señor son su bondad, su gracia y su soberanía como rey sobre todas las cosas. Dios siempre es capaz de proveer para todas nuestras necesidades. A veces puede que sintamos que no somos dignos de recibir cosas del Señor. A veces nos cuesta tener confianza en él y nos preocupan nuestras necesidades.

La buena noticia de Jesucristo es que él nos ha dado acceso al trono de Dios. Eres una hija del Rey y él te ofrece sus riquezas. Lo único que tienes que hacer es amarle, pedirle lo que necesitas y confiar en su bondad. Su promesa es cuidar de ti.

Dios omnipotente, eres soberano y bueno. Gracias porque quieres cuidar de mí. Hay cosas que siento que necesito ahora mismo y te las entrego a ti. Oro para que me quites esta carga mientras sigo confiando en ti todos y cada uno de los días.

His Riches

This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. 

The Lord’s riches are found in his goodness, his grace, and his sovereignty as king over all. God is always able to provide for all of our needs. Sometimes we may feel as though we are not worthy to receive from the Lord. Sometimes we find it hard to trust and we worry about our needs.

The good news of Jesus Christ is that he has given us access to the throne of God. You are a child of the King and he offers his riches to you. All you need to do is love him, ask him, and trust in his goodness. His promise is to take care of you.

Almighty God, you are sovereign and good. Thank you that you want to take care of me. There are things that I feel I need right now and I submit them to you. I pray you would take the burden from me as I continue to trust you each and every day.