“que la esposa respete a su esposo”
Efesios 5:33
Respetar a tu esposo es estimarlo y darle valor, amarlo y escucharlo. Tu matrimonio es un acuerdo mutuo donde tu esposo te respetara también.
Si están en desacuerdo debes conversar los diferentes puntos y lograr un nuevo acuerdo mutuo. La fidelidad en pensamientos y acciones es otra manera de respetar a tu esposo. NO ridiculizarlos en público, no humillarlo, no alzarle la voz, no querer usurpar su posición como cabeza del hogar.
No hables mal de el a nadie, ni con parientes cercanos, se responsable en la administración del hogar y agradecida por el esfuerzo de mantenerte y protegerte. No te enfoques en las áreas en las que él este fallando sino en aquellas en las que tu puedas mejorar.
Al respetar a tu esposo no solo mejorará tu matrimonio, sino que también agradará a Dios.
Padre eterno te doy gracias por haberme permitido conocer a mi esposo, ayúdame a respetarlo y honrarlo, a tu lado nada es imposible Amado Dios.
Honrar y respetar a tu esposo es el camino a mejorar tu matrimonio y agradar a Dios.
If You Have a Husband, Respect Him
”and the wife must respect her husband.“
Ephesians 5:33
Respecting your husband means valuing and esteeming him, loving and listening to him. Your marriage is a mutual agreement where your husband will also respect you.
If you disagree, you should discuss the different points and reach a new mutual agreement. Fidelity in thoughts and actions is another way to respect your husband. Do not ridicule him in public, do not humiliate him, do not raise your voice at him, and do not try to usurp his position as head of the household.
Do not speak ill of him to anyone, not even close relatives. Be responsible in managing the home and grateful for his effort to maintain and protect you. Focus not on the areas where he is failing but on those where you can improve.
By respecting your husband, you will not only improve your marriage but also please God.
Eternal Father, I thank you for allowing me to meet my husband. Help me to respect and honor him. With You by my side, nothing is impossible, Beloved God.
Honoring and respecting your husband is the way to improve your marriage and please God.