La voluntad de Dios es aquel deseo profundo que Dios tiene en su corazón de que nosotros sus hijos vivamos bajo los planes que él ha diseñado de ante mano para cada uno de nosotros.
Eso es la voluntad de Dios, y algunas personas pierden mucho tiempo preguntándose y buscando la voluntad de Dios para sus vidas sin darse cuenta que su voluntad se esconde a plena vista, <siempre y cuando se mantenga una relación constante con Dios.>
Su voluntad no es algo que él mantenga oculto en alguna parte y mucho menos es una especie de premio que se le da a unos cuantos y nada más.
<No se ayuna para entender su voluntad, se ayuna para poder vivir bajo su voluntad, pues los planes de Dios no nos corresponden a nosotros entenderlos sino obedecerlos.>
La voluntad de Dios no se pide en ayuno, su voluntad se busca y se vive.
Por eso pídele al espíritu santo que renueve tus pensamientos .
Romanos 12:1
Por consiguiente, hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios que presentéis vuestros cuerpos como sacrificio vivo y santo, aceptable a Dios, que es vuestro culto racional.
Conocemos la voluntad de Dios a través de:
1. Su palabra (la Biblia) leerla y el saber interpretarla con sabiduría.
2. la oración y comunión constante, no vamos a pretender saber su voluntad cuando no nos ocupamos en buscar y escuchar su voz.
3. Nuestra conciencia (sentido común), no hacer algo que comprometa nuestra integridad, 4. A través de otras personas de buen testimonio, aprender lo bueno rechazar lo malo.
Si su voluntad viene de su corazón, debemos llegar a su corazón para conocerla. Hagamos la voluntad del Padre y alegraremos su corazón, presentándonos como aprobados delante de él.
Efesios 6:6
no para ser vistos, como los que quieren agradar a los hombres, sino como siervos de Cristo, haciendo de corazón la voluntad de Dios.
Rey Soberano, tu gobiernas todo y ante ti toda rodilla se dobla, nos amas con amor eterno y el anhelo de tu corazón es que tengamos una relación genuina y verdadera contigo rey, que el obedecerte no sea una carga, si no un deleite para caminar bajo tu voluntad; por eso renueva nuestros pensamientos a través de tu palabra, que es vida y llévanos a ese encuentro de intimidad contigo donde escuchamos tu voz y seguimos tus pasos sometidos a ti, en el nombre de Jesús, Amén!
Surrendered to his will
God’s will is that deep desire that God has in his heart that we, his children, live under the plans that he has designed in advance for each one of us.
That is God’s will, and some people waste a lot of time wondering and seeking God’s will for their lives without realizing that his will is hidden in plain sight, <as long as a constant relationship with God is maintained.>
His will is not something that he keeps hidden somewhere, much less is it a kind of prize that is given to a few and nothing else.
<You don’t fast to understand his will, you fast to be able to live under his will, since God’s plans are not up to us to understand them but to obey them.>
God’s will is not requested in fasting, his will is sought and lived.
So ask the holy spirit to renew your thoughts.
Romans 12: 1
Therefore, brothers, I beg you by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your rational worship.
We know God’s will through:
1. Read his word (the Bible) and know how to interpret it wisely.
2. constant prayer and communion, we will not pretend to know his will when we are not busy seeking and listening to his voice.
3. Our conscience (common sense), not to do something that compromises our integrity, 4. Through other people of good testimony, learn the good and reject the bad.
If his will comes from his heart, we must reach his heart to know it. Let us do the will of the Father and we will rejoice his heart, presenting ourselves as approved before him.
Ephesians 6: 6
not to be seen, as those who want to please men, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.
Sovereign King, you rule everything and before you every knee bends, you love us with eternal love and the desire of your heart is that we have a genuine and true relationship with you king, that obeying you is not a burden, but a delight to walk under your will; That is why renew our thoughts through your word, which is life and lead us to that intimate encounter with you where we listen to your voice and follow your steps submitted to you, in the name of Jesus, Amen!