11 Pero deseamos que cada uno de vosotros muestre la misma solicitud hasta el fin, para plena certeza de la esperanza, 12 a fin de que no os hagáis perezosos, sino imitadores de aquellos que por la fe y la paciencia heredan las promesas.
Hebreos 6:11-12
Si confiesas mi Palabra diariamente y pasas tiempo conmigo en oración cada día, liberaré grandemente mi poder sobre tu vida. Mi Espíritu iluminará mi Palabra y te ayudará a ver claramente mi plan para tu vida, ¡y cómo el enemigo quiere detener ese plan! Al leer mi Palabra y encontrarte conmigo en oración, tu fe impedirá que te vuelvas perezoso y que te nubles espiritualmente, y por tu fe heredarás mis promesas. Acuérdate de mí siervo Daniel, que pudo orar fervientemente porque conocía mi Palabra con respecto a mi pueblo. Hoy, una gran parte de mi pueblo está cautivo por los deseos malvados y pecaminosos de personas que están controladas por el enemigo. Cuando ores y confieses mi Palabra, podrás liberar mis pensamientos, lo cual llevará mi Espíritu y mi vida a todos los cautivos.
Yo Declaro
Padre, que tu Espíritu Santo me ha iluminado tu Palabra y me ha dado armas de guerra llenas de tu poder, las cuales uso diariamente para hacer guerra contra el enemigo y para derribar fortalezas.
En el nombre de Jesucristo
And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
John 6:63 KJV
IF YOU WILL confess My Word daily and meet with Me in prayer daily, I will give you a great release of My power in your life. My Spirit will illuminate My Word to you and help you to see clearly My plan for your life—and how the enemy wants to stop that plan! As you read My Word and meet with Me through prayer, your faith will keep you from becoming sluggish and dull spiritually, and because of your faith, you will inherit My promises. Remember My servant Daniel, who was able to pray effectively because he knew My Word concerning My people. Today many of My people are held captive by the evil, sinful desires of people who are controlled by the enemy. When you pray and confess My Word, you will be able to release My mind, which brings My Spirit and My life to , those in bondage.
I Declare
Father, Your Holy Spirit has illuminated Your Word to me and given me weapons of warfare that are filled with Your power, which I am using daily to wage war against the enemy and to demolish strongholds
In the name of Jesus Christ