Pero, cada vez que alguien se vuelve al Señor, el velo es quitado. 2 CORINTIOS 3:16
Incluso tras aceptar a Cristo como nuestro Salvador, a menudo seguimos construyendo muros en nuestros corazones. Nos esforzamos por amarle con cada átomo de nuestro ser, pero puede que fallemos a la hora de entregarnos por completo a él. Es como si la parte más humana de nosotros sintiera que, al conservar ese último rinconcito, nos protegemos y somos libres para ser quien preferimos ser. La verdadera libertad se experimenta cuando nos rendimos, cedemos y nos entregamos por completo. Él quiere retirar ese velo que nos impide ver completamente toda la belleza que tiene preparada para nosotros.
Dios, levanta mi velo. Llévate hasta la última parte de mí que se ha estado resistiendo a ti. Quiero experimentar la libertad completa que tú me has entregado tan gloriosamente.
Lifting the Veil
Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 2 CORINTHIANS 3:16
Even when we accept Christ as our Savior, there is often a wall that we put up in our hearts. We strive to love him with every fiber of our being, but there can be failure to give him all of us. It’s as if the most human part of us feels that by maintaining that last bit of space, we protect ourselves and are free to be who we’d rather be.
True freedom is experienced when we give up, give in, and give ourselves over completely. He wants to take away that veil that prevents us from fully seeing all the beauty that he has in store for us.
God, lift my veil. Take the very last piece of me that has been resisting you. I want to experience the full freedom that you have so gloriously given