Yo soy el buen pastor; el buen pastor su vida da por las ovejas. JUAN 10:11 (RV60)
¡Estaría bien que la Biblia nos comparara con un animal más elegante que una oveja! Aun así, vernos a nosotros mismos como ovejas es una buena analogía. Las ovejas son uno de esos animales que dependen de un pastor para sobrevivir. Necesitan que las dirijan hacia el agua y la comida, que les proporcionen refugio y que alguien las proteja del peligro. Jesús dijo que él es el buen pastor, y es bueno recordarnos a nosotros mismos que lo necesitamos con desesperación. Sin Jesús estamos perdidos.
Sin Jesús estamos hambrientos. Sin Jesús estamos desprotegidos. Jesús estuvo dispuesto a entregar su vida para salvarte, guiarte y protegerte. Él promete andar contigo porque él es un buen pastor. Confía hoy en su bondad.
Jesús, gracias por entregar tu vida para que yo pudiera ser salva. Por favor, guíame hoy como me has estado guiando cada día. Confío en que tú proveerás para mí y me protegerás. Ayúdame a conocer tu bondad mientras me guías, mi buen pastor.
Sheep Need a Shepherd
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” JOHN 10:11
It would be nice to be compared to an animal that is nobler than a sheep! However, seeing ourselves as sheep makes for a good analogy. Sheep are one of those animals that depend on a shepherd to get them through life. Sheep need to be led to food and water, they need shelter provided for them, and they need someone to protect them from harm. Jesus said that he is the good shepherd and it is good to remind ourselves that we absolutely need him. Without Jesus we are lost. Without Jesus we are hungry. Without Jesus we are not safe. Jesus was willing to lay down his life to save you, to guide you, and to protect you. He promises to walk with you, because he is a good shepherd. Trust in his goodness today.
Jesus, thank you for laying down your life so that I could be saved. Please guide me today, as you have been guiding me every day. I trust in you to provide for me and to protect me. Help me to know your goodness as I am led by you, my good shepherd.