La fidelidad de Dios

Acerquémonos, pues, a Dios con corazón sincero hy con la plena seguridad que da la fe, interiormente purificados de una conciencia culpable y exteriormente lavados con agua pura. Mantengamos firme la esperanza que profesamos, porque fiel es el que hizo la promesa. HEBREOS 10:22-23

Dios es bueno y conoce todas tus necesidades. Él es fiel y anhela mostrarte más de su gloria y su belleza. Prepara tu corazón para decir sí a su llamada. Confía en su fidelidad. Persigue su gozo.

Tu amor le complace porque él se deleita en ti. Él entona canciones, notas y estribillos sobre ti por aquí y por allá mientras tú estás sobre estatierra, esperándole. Un día terminará esta canción y, cuando la oigas por completo, irás corriendo a sus brazos. Pero, hasta que llegue ese día, confía en su fidelidad. Mantén firme la esperanza que profesas porque tienes la plena seguridad que da la fe; tu corazón ha sido lavado y tú eres pura.

Dios, has demostrado de muchas maneras tu fidelidad en mi vida. Gracias por tu sacrificio, que me ha lavado y me ha dado esperanza.

The Faithfulness of God

Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. HEBREWS 10:22-23 

God is good and he knows all of your needs. He is faithful and he longs to show you more of his glory and beauty. Prepare your heart to say “yes” to his call. Trust in his faithfulness. Chase after his joy.

Your love is pleasing to him because he delights in you. He sings over you, notes and refrains here and there as you walk the earth, waiting for him.One day, his song will be complete, and when you hear its fullness, you will run to him! Until that day, trust in his faithfulness. Hold unswervingly to the hope you profess because you have the full assurance that faith brings; your heart is cleansed and you are pure.

In so many ways, God, you have demonstrated your faithfulness in my life. Thank you for your sacrifice that has cleansed me and has given me hope.