Satanás es el padre de la mentira y él vino a destruir, matar y robar tus sueños. El enemigo sutilmente va querer distraerte y colocará regalos en envolturas muy lindas, pero cuando lo abres te vas dando cuenta que era basura y un distractor.
Él sabe que si atrae tu atención con frustraciones, peleas, deudas, personas podrán sacarte de tu propósito, el que Dios diseño para ti..
Mateo 6:33
Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.
Satan is the father of lies and he came to destroy, kill and steal your dreams. The enemy will subtly want to distract you and will put gifts in very nice wrappers, but when you open it you realize that he was trash and a distractor.
He knows that if he attracts your attention with frustrations, fights, debts, people can take you away from your purpose, the one that God designed for you.
Satan is the father of lies and he came to destroy, kill and steal your dreams. The enemy will subtly want to distract you and will put gifts in very nice wrappers, but when you open it you realize that he was trash and a distractor.
Matthew 6:33
He knows that if he attracts your attention with frustrations, fights, debts, people can take you away from your purpose, the one that God designed for you.