Vivir en paz

La paz les dejo; mi paz les doy. Yo no se la doy a ustedes como la da el mundo. No se angustien ni se acobarden.
(Juan 14:27)

Debemos negarnos a vivir nuestras vidas tratando de entender todo, todo el tiempo. He aprendido esto de primera mano. En los primeros años de mi ministerio, me frustraba constantemente porque trataba de entenderlo todo. Pensé que tenía que saber cómo iban a funcionar las cosas. Me preocupaba, razonaba y me preguntaba todo el día, cada día, y era inútil.

Mi esposo, encontró fácil confiar en Dios. Él simplemente ponía sus cargas y decía que Dios se ocuparía de ello. El disfrutaba su vida mientras esperaba pacientemente en Dios ¡Qué gran ejemplo fue para mí!

Podemos elegir vivir en paz. No tenemos que permitirnos ser agitados y perturbados. ¿No son buenas noticias? Lo que sea que esté esperando hoy, use su momento de quietud con Dios para elegir la paz. Dios va a llevar a cabo su perfecto plan en su vida. Relájese y disfrute del viaje.

Pensamiento del día

No pierda la paz preocupándose por cosas que no puede cambiar y tratando de hacer que sucedan cosas que solo Dios puede hacer que sucedan.

Profundice en la Palabra de Dios: Lucas 12:22-23; Filipenses 4:6-7

Living in Peace

Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]
(John 14:27)

We must refuse to live our lives trying to figure everything out all of the time. I’ve learned this firsthand. In the early years of my ministry, I was constantly frustrated because I was trying to figure everything out. I thought I just had to know how things were going to work out. I worried, reasoned, and wondered all day every day, and it was useless.

My husband, found it easy to trust God. He would simply cast his care and say that God would take care of it. He enjoyed his life while he patiently waited on God. What a great example he was for me!

We can choose to live in peace. We don’t have to allow ourselves to be agitated and disturbed. Isn’t that good news? Whatever you’re waiting for today, use your quiet time with God to choose peace. God is going to bring His perfect plan to pass in your life. Relax and enjoy the journey.

Today’s Thought
Don’t forfeit your peace worrying about things you can’t change and trying to make things happen that only God can make happen.

Dig Deeper into God’s Word: Study Luke 12:22–23; Philippians 4:6–7